We are currently in Beta, which means we are encouraging users to provide feedback, not just on the experience with website, but also recommendations on what content they would like to see on the site.  You can provide us with feedback via our survey.

Create a removal plan

If you're planning a major removal of content, you'll need to get a plan in place. This will involve people, time and responsibilities.

You won’t need to do this step for minor updates. Some of the features you would include in a removal plan.


Identify roles and responsibility

This step is more for major updates. You won’t need to do this step for minor updates.

In your plan, mark who is responsible for approving each of the removed pages and document their agreement.

Agree who is responsible for each step. This includes:

  • technical requirements
  • communication (both internal and external),
  • archival,
  • content management and
  • risk management.

Core people you’ll need to talk to are:

  • Content owner: reviews content for removal
  • Information and records manager:
  • Owner of the archiving policy, as they'll be able to tell you how long content needs to stay
  • IT: implements technical aspects, such as redirects
  • Comms: they will communicate any decommission messaging

Document content retention

You’ll need to keep content for different lengths of time. Your records and management area should be able to tell you your retention period. Once recorded you can take action accordingly.


Large scale removals need coordination from everyone involved. Getting sign off from all branches on timeframes is the key to success.

Set up standards

As you start this removal plan, it’s good practise to think about longer term strategy.

You can negotiate standard removal periods for common types of content, such as media releases or industry notices. For example, you might retain content for current year and previous 2 years. this will help to avoid a large backlog of content.

Publish your time frames to remove content amongst your team. This will help you to initiate regular content reviews and to negotiate removal periods.