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About the Evaluation Profession

The Evaluation Profession will help to build an APS workforce that uses evaluation, evidence and continuous improvement to drive outcomes. This positively impacts our policies and programs.

The Evaluation Profession brings together people who assess the effectiveness and efficiency of government policies, programs and initiatives. The Evaluation Profession aims to champion evaluative thinking and evaluation – in all its forms – across the APS. It will help build evaluation capability, support diversity and mobility in evaluation roles, and foster innovation.

Head of the Evaluation Profession

Dr Shane Johnson, First Assistant Secretary, Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Division, Department of Treasury

Shane is committed to fostering a culture of evidence-based decision-making across the APS.

As Head of Profession, Shane:

  • engages with stakeholders across the APS and industry to stay at the forefront of evaluation trends and practices
  • fosters collaboration by connecting evaluation professionals across the APS
  • champions professional development opportunities to enhance evaluation expertise and skills within agencies.

Shane will use his expertise to inspire a culture of learning and accountability. This empowers APS employees to deliver meaningful outcomes through robust and impactful evaluations.

Benefits of joining the Evaluation Profession

The Evaluation Profession encourages you to develop critical skills in evaluation. Those skills contribute to shaping programs and policies that make a difference. By joining the Evaluation Profession, you will contribute to fostering accountability, transparency and continuous improvement. This ensures government initiatives deliver real and measurable impact. By expanding your network and learning from experts, you’ll position yourself to confidently:

  • design evaluation frameworks
  • measure program performance
  • provide evidence-based recommendations.

The Evaluation Profession will also support and promote better practice impact monitoring, evaluation, and performance management across the entire policy cycle.

Register your interest