We are currently in Beta, which means we are encouraging users to provide feedback, not just on the experience with website, but also recommendations on what content they would like to see on the site.  You can provide us with feedback via our survey.

Content production template

Download the content production template to use–from planning and writing through to checking and revising content.


Using the template

Content authors should use the main content section of the template to write.

The template also allows anyone involved in creating content to:

  • have context of the content and the user’s need
  • provide a checklist for reviewers, according to expertise
  • guide those not experienced in writing for the web

Page details

Sets out the site location of the page and content type. Complete this section first and include important details such as go-live date and the content’s status.

Content planning

Anyone can complete this section from their preparation of what the user needs to do or find. This helps everyone using the template to know the content’s objective.

Quality content checks

Relevant experts use these checks to review the content for quality. Each expert can complete as done, or make notes for any changes.

  • subject expert — factual accuracy and relevance
  • product owner — product objectives
  • legal — legislative requirement
  • content or subject expert — metadata
  • content expert — readability and quality
  • content expert or publisher — accessibility
  • publishers — product owner and publisher

Main content area

The content author, whether subject expert or content expert, to set out the content for the web page.

Priority 2 content

The content author to complete for any callout content.

Priority 3 content

Content author to complete any relevant related links and contact details.

Writing tips

  • The first sentence sets an expectation for what’s on the page.
  • Your main content contains your key message or user need.
  • Use a heading hierarchy (H1, H2, H3) to signpost the user’s journey through the page.
  • Use text that describes the link including the URL in brackets.
  • Add a call-to-action so that the user knows what to do.
  • Use steps or bullet points for instructions.
  • Use header rows for tables.

Resources for authors and reviewers