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Leading as a digital professional

A leader can be at any level.

We've designed this section for those who are:

  • experts in their field and/or
  • in a formal leadership position like the SES and/or
  • are mentors or teachers.

If you:

  • have the mindset to implement digital and cultural change in your workplace
  • want to influence your leaders and your agency’s digital strategy
  • are looking to help mentor others in your organisation or across government.

We think you will find this content useful.


This guide shows how to get started with a retrospective (retro) meeting. This guide shows how to get started with a retrospective (retro) meeting.

APS Career Pathfinder tool

We designed the APS Career Pathfinder tool to help people explore digital career options in government. We designed the APS Career Pathfinder tool to help people explore digital and other career options in government.

Diversity Programs

The APS Professions are committed to promoting and supporting programs and initiatives aimed at building a diverse APS workforce, reflective of the diversity in the Australian community. A diverse workforce brings diversity of perspective, skills, experience and background.…